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Everywhere He went, Jesus extended love, pushing past the cultural barriers of the day. He wasn’t afraid even though He knew…the ultimate consequence of His compassion would be death on a cross.

What if ALL OF US let Jesus’ compassion direct our choices over and above anything else?

Let’s find out! Join us for Engaging Culture: an Evangelism Master Class. This FREE 8-part video course includes inspiring stories and actionable challenges from 18 amazing contributors. You probably already know and love most of them: Christine Caine, Mark Mittelberg, Lisa Fields, Tyler Staton, Rebecca McLaughlin, Andrew and Wendy Palau, and many more.

And…this isn’t just a how-to program. Each of these 25-minute episodes is anchored in the life of Jesus.

The way He loved people, gave Himself, and reached out to the hurting, the rejected, and the accused. His compassion fuels OUR COMPASSION like nothing else on earth.

This is our chance to join Jesus in His mission as His co-laborers in a revived era of evangelism! You can check out the Master Class today at

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Are you ready to take your #evangelism efforts to the next level?

Will you join us for, “Engaging Culture: an Evangelism Master Class”? It’s a FREE 8-part video course, full of inspiring stories and actionable challenges from 18 amazing contributors.

Get connected to insights from all-star contributors like Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, J.D. Greear, Nona Jones, Tyler Staton and more!

Here’s what to expect:

  • Get actionable insights from experienced leaders

  • Learn practical steps for connecting authentically in today's culture

  • Overcome blockers that have limited you or your people from sharing the gospel

Register here: